In this series, Alter Ego (2012),
…I try to conciliate the dichotomy that exists within me, for being half Spanish and half Japanese. It represents my efforts to find my Japanese side, which I consider my “other me” (i.e., my alter ego). The idea of pursuit is illustrated with symbolic and conceptual images. I used a model that is also a Japanese-Spaniard (an alter ego of myself, too) with a variety of Japanese and Spanish symbols: on the Japanese side, there are traditional clothes (kimono textiles), the red colour, the bamboo (symbol of growth and improvement), the pine (longevity) and the Zen circle (completion, perfection); on the Spanish side, we have the mantilla and clothes with fringes. In addition to this, in one of the pictures the model is going out from a Japanese wardrobe –an allegorical representation of Plato’s cavern– in search of the truth. Other symbolic features of this series are the jumps. Jumps are the emotional and cultural impulse needed for acculturation efforts. I also played with the opposition of black and white, both in skin and backgrounds, which exemplify the cultures present in me. This pursuit of myself (or my other self) could easily be applied to all the people that take part in migratory movements and experience, conscientiously or not, an internal change when living in a foreign country.
二つのルーツ。二つの人格。 スペインと日本の「ハーフ」。または「ダブル」、「ミックス」とも呼ばれる。 それは一体、何なのか。
その根元を追求することは、最終的に、 故郷を離れて異国に住むことについての考察にもつながる。 複雑に入り込んだ感情や内面的な変化を映り出し、抽象的な世界を表現したかった。 平たく説明するより、象徴的なイメージを使いながら。布とジャンプ。